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Trademarks And Copyrights?

Some false data, and altered importances, have been put about concerning Trademark and Copyright.

"Trade-mark: A mark (now, one secured by legal registration) used by a manufacturer or trader to distinguish his goods from similar wares of other firms." (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)

"Copyright: the exclusive right given by law for a certain term of years to an autnor, composer, etc (or his assignee) to print, publish and sell copies of his original work" (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary).

"As you can see neither of these restricts the USE of Scientology Tech, so long as you don't advertise using the C of S's trademarks, or start republishing Ron's books! So you're free to audit and train using the materials, and PLEASE do so - how else can we clear this planet? Just USE Standard Ethics and Standard Tech!
